Saturday, August 9, 2008

Victorian motorcycling and the lies of Damien

There's a lot of nonsense being spruiked about by various people involved in Australian motorcycle politics. I've been around it a long time, know a lot of the players and don't currently hold any official positions.

I've been a member of several clubs (including the MRAA - now MRA (Vic) ) and have had the opportunity to witness the behaviour of some of the protagonists first hand. I must say that some are impressive and some are appalling.

I decided I'd post up this blog after seeing the truly scurrilous and dreadul "countersteering" blog put up by someone who can best be charitibly described as delusional. I don't know for sure who "Dave" is but I suspect his surname starts with "L".

I guess I'll start off with a little about the so-called founder of the MRAA, Damien Codognotto. To hear him speak you'd expect that he was the sole founding member. Of course he wasn't - just he longest lasting of the original founders. Over the years they drifted away, disillusioned by the self aggrandisment of Damien. Damien of course would like to make it out that he's a saint, caring for his elderly parents, protecting motorcyclists rights and generally being hard done by by the evil ones.

First the family stuff - of course he's looking after his parents. He has managed to alienate the rest of the family to the extent they want nothing to do with him. When they have tried to help he has quite deliberately prevented them. (The fact the he hopes to inherit a LOT of property when they finally shuffle off has nothing at all to do with this). However enough of that.

Protecting motorcyclists rights - only as long as it can be done to the greater glory of Damien of course. Over twenty years ago he tried to set up a business MRA enterprises (or some such) that was owned by him. Desperately attempting to cash in on the name of the MRA. It was of course (like most of Damien's life) a failure.

Damien will tell those who listen that he knows the public service because he was one. To the best of this researcher's knowledge that's partially true. He was a barely competent junior photographer in the Defence Department. Barely competent is probably marginally complementary because most of the photos that I've seen from that period show a lack of skill and no real flair.

Of course this was probably partially compounded by the amount of substances he and his mates used to consume. It is a matter of record that back in the late 70's and early 80's (and possibly even today) most of his life was spent in a smoky haze. The amount of dope he and his mates could get through at a rally was always a source of amazement ot the rest of us.

He did help found the Toy Run and received an OAM for that. Very credible and he is proud of it. It's the high point in an otherwise outstandingly incompetent life. He's never held a real job but eked out a living as a courier (again, not the best job for someone with about as much motorcycling skill and mechanical sympathy as a rabbit) with the support of his family and whatever funds he could con out of motorcyclists.

He never mentions the abotive trip to the motorcycle conference in the USA. The Yanks had some commonsense and refused to let him into the country. He's never adequately explained the reason why but it's whispered that a certain criminal conviction may be the cause.

Rather ironic now that he keeps accusing DJ (one of the world's gentlemen) of assaulting him. In truth, DJ put his hand on Damien's shoulder. Damien then tried to strangle DJ and knocked DJ's wife Rose to the ground. The truth can be seen on the video that he and his mates refer to. There's a young lady there who accuses him of attacking Rose. She is the first person to speak about this and he never answers it but slinks off with his tail between his legs.

Of course the "assault" thing was a beat up. His mates lined up to perjure themselves (funny, one of them is called "Dave" and claims to have seen the whole thing. Yet on the video he is clearly seen coming back in from outside after the event).

It's common knowledge that the story about using levy money to buy police bikes came from Damien. Even though it's been categorically denied by all concerned, it's still being pedalled by him. I suppose he has to have something to pedal.

I'm sure he wishes he or his puppet Michael Czjaka (the snake oil engine additive pedlar) were still on VMAC. They love having titles.

Honda felt sorry for him and gave him a job. Then they realised just how incompetent he was after he alienated half their dealers. He truly is useless at anything except being bombastic. He obviously feels that he's related to Mussolini; probably true. They are both Italian, both short, both spread lies about their opponents and were figures of fun to society at large.